Arctian™ Software Development: Cloud Advisory and Consulting​

Cloud Advisory and Consulting

We have extensive experience in various public cloud and legacy IT technologies. Our advisory and consulting services are able to help you to make educated decisions on any stage of your cloud journey.

Iglu’s cloud consulting team helps clients to understand the benefits of public cloud services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft Azure.

There are many aspects to consider when thinking about using public clouds as software development platform or as infrastructure for business applications. Many companies who are already using public clouds might be doing so without having a good understanding of the costs involved and the opportunities to optimize those costs.

Our advisory services covers not only the benefits of cloud, but also the best practices for operating your cloud environment including security and knowledge transfer aspects.

Iglu's cloud experts can help with:

  • Creating and validating your cloud strategy
  • Analyzing your current cloud infrastructure and software stack
  • Identity and security management assessment
  • Analyze current cloud usage and propose cost optimizations
  • Recommend best practices
  • Propose methods for continuous delivery and integration processes

Our Cloud Advisory and Consulting model

We have designed a 3-step approach for cloud advisory projects.

Before the project

We will discuss about your business, your cloud strategy, software projects and related pain points.

You will receive a customized quotation addressing your situation.

Discovery project

These are typically fixed-cost projects lasting 4-6 calendar weeks. The format is based on interviews and workshops.

Deliverables include but are not limited to detailed report of your current situation with professional recommendations for next steps to improve your situation.

Implementation proposal

In most cases we are able to give a quotation to implement the proposed changes to used technologies.

We can offer software development services, cloud migration projects and many other IT technologies related services.

Next steps with Cloud Consulting

As we are not re-sellers of any public cloud services or software products, we are your independent trusted advisor for all cloud related technologies. We give you the objective facts, you make the decisions based on your business needs.

Contact us now to discuss about your requirements!

How can we assist?

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