Coffee is the fuel that powers digital professionals through the day. And just as you wouldn’t fill up a lambo with crude oil, you don’t want coders to be drinking bad coffee.
Luckily, at Iglu, we take coffee very seriously. Each of our offices in Chiang Mai, Bangkok, and Phuket is equipped with a Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine, one of the best all-around models for grinding beans, extracting espresso, and steaming milk to make the perfect latte.
We’re also very fortunate to have Tim Sutton, SEO specialist and resident Coffee Geek, as part of the Iglu family. Tim recently gave a pair of demonstrations to our eskimos at the Chiang Mai and Bangkok offices on how to properly use the Breville machine to get the best possible coffee.
If you missed the event—or just need a review—Tim gave the following key points to remember when brewing your coffee:
- Keep the machine as clean as possible, especially the steam wand.
- Warm your cup before using.
- Tap the handle on a flat surface after you have ground your coffee.
- Take the tamper out of the machine to tamp your coffee.
- Purge the group head by running some hot water through it before inserting the handle.
- Clear the water in the steam wand before steaming your milk.
- For an Americano coffee, brew an espresso first then add hot water.
- When steaming milk, place the nozzle just below surface level and create a whirlpool motion to get microfoam.
You can also watch Tim give a full demonstration in the video below.
Happy brewing, everyone!